
Group Coaching/ Mastermind Terms of Service Template


Do you have a group coaching program or host a mastermind for your business? Before you enroll another member to your program, check out this Group Coaching/Mastermind Terms of Service Template.

The Details

This template addresses a variety of important issues coaches, mastermind hosts, or course creators need to have their students agree to before they enroll participants into their coaching program, including:

  • Program Fees (including pay in full and payment plan options)
  • Refund Policies
  • Disclaimers
  • Failed Payments
  • Participant Conduct
  • Live Events
  • Liability
  • Who owns the Program content
  • And much more

What's Inside
Oh so great for
I just purchased the event planner contract ...and I LOVED how painless it was! My husband is also a lawyer and he was super impressed with the contract!
Molly, Event Planner
The template had everything I needed when I started (and as I've grown!) and they were a breeze to customize. The templates include tons of notes so you understand why each section is important and where you might want to consider your options. They take the fear out of contracts and makes it easy to cover yourself and your clients so you can get back to focusing on making a great product and providing amazing customer service.
Chelsea, Productivity Expert
I purchased the Independent Contractor Bundle and it saved me so much time and made me feel at ease. The instructions that came along with the contracts made them very easy to fill out on my own and feel confident in what I was about to send over to the contractor. I cannot recommend them enough!
Amy, CPA
Just received the signed contract back from my new client! It is a big, open-ended partnership & I feel so much better knowing that I've covered my you-know-what with them. Thank you a million times over for such an easy document to use.
Karen, Marketing Consultant
I wanted to start really taking myself and my design business seriously, and having a well-drafted contract is one way to go about doing that, but I had no idea where to even start. That is, until I discovered Annette and her amazing (and amazingly affordable) contracts! Now I have an agreement for design services contract that leaves me feeling confident and protected, and it's such a relief! Not only that, but every piece of the contract is explained in detail, so I know the ins and outs of what I'm sending to clients. No more anxiety!
Melissa, Designer